Monday 30 May 2011

Important Note on Design Process

One thing that's important to note is that the best solution or the solution that offers the most advantages is not always the product that users will accept.  Sometimes products can be the most hi-tech and the choice with the most benefits for the user, but if the user doesn't like the design and doesn't want to use it, none of that matters.  This has been a fundamental theory in our designs for the information technology device that we're designing for nurses.  We've had some great ideas, as you can see in the posts to date, but what you can also see is that some of these ideas have been rejected in favour of simpler, more familiar designs.  We definitely don't want to overwhelm nurses with fancy e-textile writing uniforms that they don't even know how to use, for example, and we've definitely taken a lot of things along these lines into consideration.

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